We offer Honeycode because our children need to be creators, and not just consumers of technology. As our world becomes increasingly more tech-dependent, the best way to ensure future success is for children to become tech-savvy today. However, we want our students to go beyond being able to teach us how to change the wallpaper on our iPhone! They need to learn the language of technology, so that when they grow up, they can create and contribute with the best of them.
Class Prerequisites
None! This is an intro course.
Age Requirements
Open to grades 2nd - 6th
Many people think computer science is vocational, but the truth is, it's foundational.
Technology now affects every job field. Meanwhile, while computers and software are changing everything, the majority of schools don't even teach computer science! HoneyCode aims to bring more computer science into our community, while teaching students the basics of coding from a young age. These practices have shown to improve cognition and critical reasoning skills across all aspects of a child's education.
parents want their child to study computer science
schools provide computer programming classes
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